What is Spiritual (Energy) Healing?

The focus is much more on the internal that manifests in the external and physical worlds. It is on the emotional level, on the spiritual level, and all the inner self. Hidden from direct light (shadows).

How long does it take?

Healing continues even after healing from an area, just like a car. The car gets fixed, and then something ahead happens, and then you have to get it fixed again, or you thought it was the engine, but it’s actually the motor or wires. It circles around.

It is lifelong, but as long as you attend to it as needed and do not let it prolong before further damage, you are on the right track to taking care of yourself.

Where do you start?

Look at re-occurring patterns. They don’t have to be apparent. They can be subtle. What area(s) do you find yourself struggling with over and over? Where is there resistance, or where do you cover up with makeup?

Observe your actions for a week. Observe the different timelines from your childhood to your young teenage years to your young adulthood. What patterns keep persisting?

The subtle ones are the ones you don’t see as a struggle or a push off the cliff but just something that you may dismiss as nothing.

Those are the game changes. An epiphany. Voilà! A blast on the wall!

Meditate on it. During your mediation, ask your higher self to reveal that point or points you need to work on or adjust at that moment in your stage in life.

Remember, you decide the speed you want to go when it comes to healing and connection to your mind, body, and soul. 

How do you continue this process?

Just like working out – build muscle or endurance over time – try different things (change things ups – experiment). The endpoint is building what works best for your workout routine and goals.

The same would occur with having to figure out what works best for you in your healing, and throughout it all, you will make adjustments for your growth by using different tools. While letting go of some and keeping others to fit your needs.

Tools can range from tarot cards, oracle cards, candle work, writing, meditation, walking in nature, singing, dancing, etc. [the list is long]; whatever works for you, and go from there.

Remember to be conscious and intentional with your thoughts, words, and actions.

Every thought is a prayer. Thus, with every moment, tune in more to how you interact with yourself and your thoughts and words.

Seeking ‘healing’ for family members/loved ones?

When a kid is told that they can’t do something, they will make sure to do it. They counteract what you instructed, even having your best interest for them.

The more you nag at it, the more you influence them to love or crave them not to do.

Personally, I didn’t particularly appreciate being told what not to do. And yes, there were times when I wouldn’t do it, but there were other times when I still did it for the sake of getting my mom upset.

When I was younger, I would make my little brother read. I would have him read even though that is the last thing he wanted. And over time, he learned to hate to read for the same reason. After that, a book is the last thing he wants to pick up. That was not my intention, but through my persistence, he counteracted it.

Some parents are successful, but there are others where I actually created the opposite effect.

The story’s moral is that when they are ready, they will actually begin their own healing journey. Yes, you can provide tools and insights, but you can’t force it down their throat because you are doing more harm than the initial good that you intended.

And being able to respect their wishes at every moment is essential. Just like you have decided on your own healing, you also wish others to respect that.

Mentors for healing/assistance?

Yes, seek your mentors and especially your spiritual guides and guardian angels.

But remember that nothing like your true self with your own convictions of healing yourself is the best and first stepping stone.

A Starter.

A starter in your healing process because words are powerful with intention and eventually manifest in your physical world. The statements below were taken from Tina M Zion’s book “Become your own Medical Intuitive:.”

Removing Negative thoughts.

I now completely and permanently revoke and reject all negative thoughts and all negative comments about myself.

I now fill every thought and comment about myself with positive love and the light of the divine.

Tina M. Zion

Re-inforcing Self-love

Only god’s compassion, love and light, and the purest scared consciousness, completely fill every cell of my body now.

Only god’s compassion, love, and light, and the purest scared consciousness, completely fill my mind now.

Only god’s compassion, love, and light, and the purest scared consciousness, completely fill my emotions now.

Only god’s compassion, love, and light, and the purest scared consciousness, completely fill my energy field now.

Only god’s compassion, love, and light, and the purest scared consciousness, completely fill my higher self now.

Only god’s compassion, love and light, and the purest scared consciousness, completely fill my spirit now.

Only god’s compassion, love, and light, and the purest scared consciousness, completely fill my eternal soul now.

Tina M. Zion

Many Blessings,

Sinay Scarr