Understand what love is – first.
Love is pure. Love is innocent. Love is joy; peace; balance; blissfulness; passion. All those emotions that want to make you scream with excitement and happiness. It is flying on clouds. You can cultivate this daily through self-awareness of your emotions, thoughts, and words.
This is subjective. But it comes down to making sure you fully love yourself. It is going within the cave and filling every shadow with love.
There is this saying that you cannot love someone if you do not love yourself. But sometimes, the word “love yourself” is misconstrued in how it is spoken. It is not just about loving your appearance, flaws, circumstances, etc.
It is having to heal your past trauma from childhood or other (past) experiences and make peace with it in every single ounce of memory you have of that one memory(ies).
What patterns are reoccurring over and over again? Where do the heavy emotions lie or reside?
Without such healing in place, it is like walking into a home where everything is muddy and disorganized, but the living room was cleaned up a bit, and the kitchen was cleaned up a bit, too (from the surface); however, the molds and bleeding of the mess are apparent.
How do you apply it to your life? Understand yourself (further and further).
Shower yourself with all the divine colors of the rainbow. Shower yourself with divine golden light like a fountain throughout your body. Connecting deep down to the roots of the planet, heading to the crown chakra, opening up to the universe’s light and energy, and back down like a foundation or imagine yourself in a forest. In the middle of the forest, there is a waterfall. A huge waterfall coming down. You either swim or walk towards the great waterfall, stepping and feeling the rocks underneath your feet, connecting you. Feel the currency and energy throughout your body and spiritual self. Clearing and cleansing you with holy water, sparkling golden water and/or all the rainbow colors.
Travel back to those hurtful, painful, or unrestful memories – and make peace with them. Travel back to your younger self and make means with him or her. Be specific on the location and timeframe you are traveling to. Revisit those memories that still cause hurt and say or do something different than you would have done. What do you see (hear, feel, sense, etc.) as you get assisted by your sacred guides and guardian angels in your healing?
Carve some time out to meditate. Quiet the mind. Observe your thoughts and emotions. Observe scenes of that day or that week. Observe your actions and intentions.
Journal. Journal to understand your thoughts and emotions in depth. It is like conversing with your higher self, angels, and/or sacred guides.
Question your perceptions and beliefs. Are they yours or add-ons you took from society, family, the news, or those you shared spaces with?
What can you do to self-love more?
Feed your body with more water and unprocessed food. Less sugar or no sugar.
Dance. Move your body. Swirl and imagine the self that you are (because you are what you imagine yourself to BE). Just like the quote below:
“Everything you can imagine is real?”
Pablo Picasso
Breathe. Breathe in all the blessings of the universe. Breathe out all the doubts and overthinking. Remind yourself that you are connected with your body, mind, and soul (higher self). Remind yourself that you are that powerful to change your circumstances in an instant through your imagination, thoughts, words, and actions.
Burn a candle. What phase of the moon are we in? Set your intentions. Be authentic to your Being.
Be with yourself. Be in the here and now. Be present with your Being. Be present with all the living all around us.
Practice compassion with yourself. Speak to yourself in the most loving way.
Surround yourself with those that bring out the best in you. Do activities you truly enjoy and fill your lungs with laughter and childlike energy!
Remember, you are the driver of your life. You are the creator. You carry your own magic within you, your own wand. It is up to you to create, to channel your energy in alignment (with your body, mind, and soul), what you truly desire for thyself and not because others seek it out of you.
Many blessings,
Sinay Scarr