Living with Robots.
Where are areas you can adjust as we emerge into co-existing and creating on planet earth?
The truth is that we now live among human Robots – sharing space and resources with them. But maybe we won’t be doing all the same things. We will also bring together a piece of our puzzle to create a better infrastructure for our planet. But this time, maybe a system where we take ownership of our actions and hold the tools to create what is best for ourselves and the population overall. The best way to move forward is not to resist but embrace it. And not to give your power away by sitting by but actively engaging in its creation and evolution.
As Jamais Cascio mentioned for 2025, Robots will become an everyday part of our lives. It will be there but not noticeable to many or directly self-aware of their presence: “visible but ignorable.”
So, imagine that by 2050, over 20 years from 2025, Robots will be in every part of our lives at a much hyper level.
Resistance due to Altered Opinions.
Some individuals have been fed with fear of the creation of robots and AI.
It is really; what side do you want to see? As I always tell my peers, there are always two sides to the coin (more than two sides but predominately two sides):
- Healthcare, for example, can be an area where we have more tailored care for each patient’s needs vs. a more generic approach to a solution or medicine for each patient.
- Contracts. A way for automation. We can do more of the thinking, strategy, and creativity as human beings vs. having to work on all the paperwork and repeat steps that do not need the human mind, which can be automated or replaced by robots.
There are always pros and cons, strengths, and weaknesses, even with the humans doing the work. The creativity and curiosity of a human mind’s work will not be replaced since the human mind creates the code that creates them. And that is something that humans can thrive on – creating the future you (yourself) want to see and not allowing fear to paralyze you from taking ownership of the future you want to see among Human-Robots.
Have an awareness of the future to come. Accept the changes and better position yourself down the block, just like when the internet or social media started to become a thing. The reality is that whether we accept it or not, then there will be consequences on either side of the coin: like being left behind or being engaged in the new advanced tools to use for your own good in your daily life.
Will they be Replacing our Jobs?
No, they won’t, generally. If you see it as ‘taking our jobs away,’ that is seeing it from a fear base view. Instead, see it as if they will help us do better work by taking our jobs that don’t need our human capabilities, like strategy thinking, critical thinking, and creativity. So, in other words, they will be doing us a favor by elevating. If we see it from the former perspective, things adjust to being able to think and see what the field we want to focus on is – what areas can we better strengthen. And not focus on competing with Robots.
Maybe articles you have come across online or in entertainment have projected or ingrained this as fear – that they will be taking our jobs, and you should be thinking fast by jumping into something you only do because an article says that will be the future of the workforce. It may be, or it may not be. But again, first is making sure that you focus on how you see it in order not to continue the thread of actions with fear after fear, leading to unwanted steps and facing the consequences.
With that, Robots help by performing tasks better suited for us to focus on creating a future we want to see here on earth, not only for ourselves but the generations to come.
As humans, we are that powerful to create and leave imprints behind, and when done together as a group or population, it only magnifies. Don’t let articles or other research ‘experts’ or movies/ entertainment dictate your thoughts that lead to actions. If so, you allow their way (their vision) to be how the world will be. What future do you want to create for yourself, your family and fellow neighbors, and future generations?
Oneness to the Interconnectedness of All Living Things.
Oneness – we are all interconnected – the strings of the spider web have their unique strings, but together they make the web. We are the creators of our world – creating alone and togetherness with all humans and in all things in the here and now. It is through first becoming aware of yourself to be able to know what it is that you want to create and then share that vision(s) with others but not for them to buy into your vision but to be inspired by your visions for other people to create their visions in hearing pieces of your vision (imagination).
Many Blessings,
Sinay Scarr