What is Metaverse? The next iceberg?

What is Metaverse? The next iceberg?

Since it is in its making, there is no definition. You could think of it as a multiverse, with many things happening at once, and you can go from one location to another instantly like a snap of your finger. But this would be an immersive virtual existence like in ‘snow crash.’ But who is not to say that we actually live in a multiverse, and now what we are trying to do is replicate it but in our digital human-earth world? Like another matrix within a matrix, within a matrix. Harder to decipher when many strings are attached, just like a Rubik’s cube.

Who is creating it?

It is being created by everyone, but let’s say far more of the visions of those few with the resources and active engagement. There is still no ownership of who is making it, but it is those prominent companies who are currently the ones that are inserting their visions into the metaverse – such as Microsoft, Meta (Facebook), and others.

For example, Meta (Facebook) has already invested about 10B in just 2021; but according to Mobile World – Meta Platforms, in the calendar year 2023, it is expected to invest $19.2B. They are one of the big tech companies with much stake in the metaverse, thus, actively creating the infrastructure of the metaverse itself in their vision.

How will it look 10 years from now?

Looking that this is based on the Internet. Depending on how the vision is sold and packaged, things will move and evolve quickly or moderately. Therefore, creators need to create to allow their vision to be included. And also make what they want to see as part of the world and do not allow other big names to create the world for everyone, including your own world.

How is this different from AI or other AI stuff?

We [collectively] are building artificial intelligence to automate and live among other human robots.

On the other hand, we are experiencing and living life online within Metaverse. There is much overlap. In the Metaverse world – you can say space and time collapse. You can quickly jump into someone’s place or someone’s feelings or tune in to their lives from the comfort of your bed without doing much online searching. Again, it is being tailored and created as I write.

Some Impacts.

Negative effects?

Exasperation about how online feeds show what views the human population should take. It is almost like a drug. Feeding and feeding until you unplug and sober yourself before jumping right back to the pool of x, y, z.

Invading people’s privacy? Many users are unaware that their data is being captured, stored, and resold. Manipulations (and unconscious influences) are now on an online platform since online-interact is part of our everyday communication and collection of information/entertainment/learning.

So, is there freedom of thought when we constantly engage with online structures that are being worked/managed by a few? In what we read, access the top lists, etc.

Maybe it further increases its addiction, thus, increasing mental health concerns.

Almost like a mob – gotta be careful because it can be a zombie but in the online platform, thus manifesting in the physical world too, just like having a big mob of individuals focused on one way of seeing things.

There has to be a flow of ideas, opinions, and perceptions.  

Positive effects?

You can share information with a wide range of individuals from the comfort of your own room, if not for the online digital world.

Meet people from across the world.

Make a living through online work without having to commute, travel or move across the country.

Many Blessings,

Sinay Scarr
